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المطور: Yoshiyuki Azumi
7.99 USD

アプリ名:空海の世界 遍路秘仏
アプリ英文名:Hidden Buddhist treasures of Shikoku: Sacred sites connected to Kukai

「空海の世界 遍路秘仏」に収められている仏像写真は、四国八十八箇所を密教写真家 櫻井恵武氏が約4年の歳月を費やし、まず目にする事の出来ない非公開の本尊や尊像を、カメラに収めてきた非常に貴重な写真です。寺院の解説や情報も網羅しております。是非、参拝のお供としてご鑑賞頂ければ幸いです。
※このアプリの内容は「空海の世界 四国秘仏」と同じ内容となります。

The photographs of Buddhist statues collected in “Hidden Buddhist treasures of Shikoku: Sacred sites connected to Kukai” are extremely rare and precious images. Megumu Sakurai, a photographer specializing in esoteric Buddhism, spent four years photographing the statues of Buddhas and Buddhist deities found on the route of the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage, images rarely on view to the public. Full commentary and information on the temples concerned are also provided. We hope you will enjoy viewing this unique app as a companion to visiting these temples in the real world.




Choose from List
On the “Choose from List” screen, you can select the Buddhist statue photograph you want to view from among the temples of the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage.

Choose from Photos
On the “Choose from Photos” screen, you can select the Buddhist statue photograph you want to view from among the complete collection of thumbnail images.

Detailed Screens
You can zoom into a photograph of the Buddhist statue you have selected on one of the screens described above by unpinching your fingers.
Touch the caption to view commentary on the photograph and information on the temple’s sect of Buddhism, principal image, foundations, establishment, mantras, and Buddhist chants.
Touch the map to show the temple’s GPS location.

櫻井 恵武
密教写真家 1941年新潟県沼津市生まれ

Megumu Sakurai
Photographer specializing in esoteric Buddhism
Born in 1941 in Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture
Following a mysterious near-death experience from severe illness in 1996, Sakurai was attracted by Kukai’s concept of “attaining Buddhahood during one’s life” and underwent the tokudo (initial ordination) ritual. He subsequently started photographing the various Buddha images and rituals of Mt. Koya, and since 2000 he has been photographing the “hidden Buddhas” of the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage. Since 2007, he has held exhibitions and given lectures throughout Japan.